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We like to describe NSquared’s creation as a series of happy accidents. Our initial intentions didn’t go much further than “let’s build a small project and see if we like working with each other”.

We met each week for four hours and in a few months, we finished up our first product, Draw Attention, a tool for creating interactive images on WordPress websites. We spent a few more months fixing bugs and adding new features, making the tool even better. We decided to build something else together – a bigger and more complicated tool for taking appointments on WordPress websites, Simply Schedule Appointments.

It wasn’t until we were well into work on Simply Schedule Appointments in 2017 that we realized we were accidentally building a company and needed to go ahead and make it official. We jokingly threw out ‘NSquared’ as a possible name on a flight back from a web development conference and liked it so much we bought a domain name and built a quick simple website. The name stuck after that.


Portrait of Natalie MacLees

Natalie MacLees